Maria Pierson


About Mrs. Pierson


    “To teach in order to lead others to faith is the task of every preacher and each believer”               

    St. Thomas Aquinas

    When I began my teaching career so many years ago I was attracted to the discipline and desire for academic excellence I found in Catholic schools. It has been my privilege to have spent my years teaching with educators who strive for excellence in their teaching and with parents who support this goal. However, what has kept me here at St. Thomas Aquinas for so many years is something more. It is the belief that each child in my class is a precious gift from God. The ability to share my faith with my students, to worship together as a school family, and to have a part in preparing my young students to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, this is what makes my role as a Catholic educator so special and so much more fulfilling.


    • B.S. Elementary Education (Sacred Heart University)
    • B.S. History (Sacred Heart University)
    • M.A. Elementary Education (Sacred Heart University)
    • Connecticut teacher certificate K-8
    • CPR/First Aid certified

    Professional Experience:

    • Second grade teacher at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School since 1985
    • 2 years as a first and second grade teacher at St. Thomas the Apostle in Norwalk, CT