• Student Life Overview

    The St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School student body ranges from Pre-Kindergarten 4 & 5 year olds to students in eighth grade.  St. Thomas Aquinas is able to offer its students a range of activities and options to participate in the school community. Ranging from Student Council to basketball teams, and from choir to our youth service group, options abound for St. Thomas Aquinas students of all ages to get involved. 

    The Beyond the Bell after-school enrichment programs vary by season and encourage all ages and levels of participation. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School has a well-developed Service Program in which all students K-8 participate. The goal of the program is that by graduation each of our students will understand service as a call from their baptism and will seek to continue to serve others after they leave us.

    Favorite student school-sponsored events include Family Night, Breakfast with Santa, the Christmas Shopping Boutique, and Catholic Schools Week activities. From the first day a student enters the doors of St. Thomas Aquinas School, the staff and administration welcome each student as a critical part of our student body and challenge them to be the very best that they can be.

Student Life