Financial Assistance Sources
Tuition assistance is offered from various sources. Each source has different financial and eligibility guidelines.
Our Head of School, Ms. Strub asks that you reach out to her directly to schedule a meeting if you are feeling financial pressure and wish to explore assistance options. All tuition support or assistance is managed directly by Ms. Strub. []
To apply for assistance does require that families complete the FACTS Grant and Assistance Application and provide supporting tax documentation.
Tuition assistance funding sources:
- Bishop's Scholarship Fund (BSF)
The mission of the Bishop’s Scholarship Fund (BSF) is to help families afford a Catholic education. Awards are issued based on eligibility, need, timing of application and confirmation of registration. It is to a family’s advantage to apply early. To review the criteria and the application process, click through to this Diocese of Bridgeport Scholarship and Financial Aid link. Awards are granted directly by Foundations in Education. - St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School Tuition Assistance Committee (TAC) Awards
Our school has limited additional funds to provide tuition assistance beyond that available through other sources for families in need. Available amounts vary each year based on the results of fundraising campaigns.
3. Foundation and Private Benefactors
Several area foundations offer assistance to our families as well as private benefactors.Eligibility:
All families who have a child or children registered or are new registrants to a Catholic elementary school in Grades K-8, and are in financial need of tuition assistance are eligible to apply for tuition assistance.Process to Apply for Assistance Awards
- Complete the online FACTS Grant & Assistance Application and answer all questions and uploads.
- Pay the non-refundable fee required for the FACTS assessment.
- Upload to FACTS required income documentation including your prior year Income Tax Return and related schedules and current year W-2. If you do not file taxes, verification of non-filing is required.
Submitting an application does not guarantee a scholarship, and every effort will be made to accommodate student needs. Applications open February 1, and it is recommended to apply early since only complete applications are considered. Early submission allows time for FACTS to review your application and notify you of missing information.
Deadline to Apply:
Deadline for all submissions for RETURNING students is March 15
Deadline for all submissions for NEW students is April 15
Only completed FACTS Grant & Aid applications submitted online with all required supporting documents will be considered.Understanding Tuition Assistance Awards
Students of families receiving the award are expected to maintain good effort and conduct. The Head of School retains the right to reallocate funds if a student consistently lacks effort or good conduct or parents do not support the school’s efforts to help the student.
Families are also encouraged to seek outside sources for assistance as well (clubs, organizations, parishes, Knights of Columbus) and the school will cooperate in any way possible.
Any form of assistance requires documentation and approval from the Head of School on a year-to-year basis.
- Bishop's Scholarship Fund (BSF)