School Board of Directors

  • The purpose of the School Board is to provide leadership to foster an environment which provides underlying Catholic values, long term strategic planning, and financial stability. This includes goal setting for finance, facilities, and marketing and development. The role of the School Board complements the school's mission, which is to nurture and foster the spiritual, moral, intellectual, physical, and social growth of the student through its religious and academic curriculum and extracurricular programs.
    The Board is comprised of not more than 13 members proposed by the pastor/head of school and approved by the Bishop. This includes at least five members with experience in the areas of strategic planning, finance, facilities, marketing and development.  Ex-Officio members include the Home School Association President, the Pastor, and the Head of School. Members may serve two to three years terms with the year running from July 1st thru June 30.   If you wish to contact the Board please email:

    Board of Directors
    Mrs. Erin Russell (Board Chair) 
    Mr. John Joyce (Chair Elect)

    Mrs. Jennifer Anderson (Director)
    Mrs. Kathleen Curran (Director)
    Mrs. Andrea Espach (Director)
    Mr. John Gnibus (Director)
    Mr. Paul Halas (Director)
    Mr. Fred Paulmann (Director)
    Mrs. Darcy Ronan (Director)
    Mr. Greg Sargent (Director)

    Ex-Officio Directors / Invited Guests

    Ms. Tracy Strub (Head of School)
    Mrs. Stacie Stueber (Superintendent of Schools)
    Fr. David Roman (Pastor)
    Mrs. Sarah Nocerino (HSA President)
    Mr. Adam Fielding (Associate Head of School)
    Ms. Barbara Turner (Administrator)